God says "I AM" Jehovah Ropheka
The Lord your healer Exodus 15:26
(26) and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”
Our merciful God knows what you are going through, and where it hurts. His hands are not too short, nor his ears deaf to hear you. We go though challenges that sometimes can't be diagnosed like the way a physician diagnosis and ailment, but God knows it all!
There are things we have done that has caused those sicknesses to come upon us, and sometimes, they come, even without us knowing the cause, but He that knows all is here! He's here to heal you and make you whole.
God wants you to know that He's ready to heal you, he'll wipe away your tears. It dosnt matter how long you've been in that situation, It doesn't matter how much you've spent trying to know the cause of that sickness, Jehovah Ropheka is here.
Sometimes, there are sicknesses that God allows, its for us to draw nearer to Him. Serve Him, Love Him, and Trust Him. and yor life will never remain the same again.
Its your turn to testify! You are healed in Jesus name! Amen!
God says "I AM"Jehovah El-Rakhoom
Deuteronomy 4:28-31
When sin makes you feel unqualified, when sin gives you a red card, on the field of play, Yes! a red card. Makes you work out of God's presence. Makes you live in guilt of your past.
Sin says to you, "hey you!" "why do you want to praise God, cos you just lied! you committed a whole lot of atrocities last week, it dosn't matter if you have asked God to forgive you, he wont forgive you"
THAT'S A LIE!! A BIG FAT LIVE OF THE DEVIL..... The father of all lies.
When you sin, and ask God for forgiveness,and to help you come out of that sin, the devil tries all he can to take you back to that sin. No wonder the Bible refers to him as the 'accuser of the brethren'.
The devil emotionally blackmails you out of God's presence, by making you feel like God is never gonna forgive you.
The devil dangles it in your face that you've sinned and have no right to approach God's throne of grace and mercy. But my God is so faithful, He forgives...
He loves you, He cares for you, He wants you to come, come and lay that weakness at his feet in prayers, and He will strengthen you.
Have you just done, said or imagined something really bad that you say to yourself "my earthly father can never pardon me" The Lord God almighty is your heavenly father, nothing like your earthly father, so kind and true.
The devil might have told you a lie that you shouldn't go to church, be kind to others, read the bible anymore or even pray to God because of what you did. Like i said before, IT'S A LIE FROM THE DEVIL! He's only trying to keep you in captivity
Shake your head and tell the devil NO!!!!!
Like the prodigal son in say to yourself, "I am going back to my father".
Like job say to yourself, "even though He slay me, yet will i trust Him"
The God i serve is ever faithful to forgive. He is waiting with arms wide open to receive you. Always ready to receive you.
Don't let the devil hold you captive anymore. Run to him, NOW!!! and i know that your life will never remain the same again, He'll turn it around for good.
One way to allow the lord to turn your life around, is to accept Jesus as you Lord and Savior.
Allow him take charge of your life, hand over all your cares and your worries, no weight is too much for Him to carry, no situation or difficulty is too tough for Him to handle.
He suspends the earth, the moon, the moon, the sun , the stars, and all the planets, without leaving them to crash, or bump at each other. hmm...
Please read the short prayer below with an understanding, and a heart of remorse and submission. Its miraculous!
"Lord Jesus, I come to you today, to be my Lord and my personal friend, I accept you as my Savior, my confidant and my helper. Turn my life around, help to do your will, Purify my heart O Lord, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, Lord. May I live my life for you.
I decree it, I declare it, that I am born-again, in Jesus name, Thank you Lord God Almighty, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy spirit, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN!!!!"
You are now born again, A child of God.
I leave you for now this scripture, Psalm 37:25 KJV "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread". Attend a bible believing church nearest to you. or you can download The Bible from any of these recommended websites.
Read the word of God day and night, everyday, I know you will never remain the same again, you will be a lot better than you've been.
Feel free to share your comments and testimonies on this blog. Or you can contact me on the contact page. I promise to get back to you as soon as possible.
God says "I AM YAHWEH, I have not forgotten you"
"Psalm 25:6-7
Welcome to the month of October. It shall be a month to remember for you and your household in Jesus name, Amen!
These past nine months might not have been sweet all through, same is applicable to a pregnant woman, who feels differently in her trimesters.
Sometimes, she feels like lying in bed, and not standing up to do anything. sometimes, she allows her tears to just roll down her cheeks. Sometimes, she feels like no one care, she's carrying a baby all alone, not even the father of the baby cares too. And sometimes, she feels so strong, like she could carry the whole world at the word "GO"!
Despite all her different moods, she gets so expectant from her 36th week (9th month). She knows that anytime soon, her baby will be born.
In these past 9 months, I know a lot has happened, dreams have been conceived, visions, aspirations, desires, etc. Some of our desires, we feel might come out with complications, because of the rough times we've experienced these past months. Like a woman ready for delivery, THIS IS YOUR MONTH OF SAFE DELIVERY!!
It dosent matter how your trimesters have been, this month your delivery shall be smooth and safe! Because Jehovah, The Lord God Almighty, is in charge of the delivery room. This month, your dreams will come alive. Your baby shall come with a voice, with a loud cry of joy. The world will rejoice at that delivery.
I prophesy to you, the world will rejoice with you, in Jesus name. Amen!!!
That desire to affect your generation positively
That desire to be a blessing to your family and the body of Christ, shall come to pass, this month, In Jesus name, Amen!
This month, God will turn things around for your good and make you a voice.
I rejoice with you, I celebrate you, this is your season, your set time. Its your turn to testify, to the glory of God the father. In Jesus name...
Feel free to drop your comments, questions, and testimonies.
You can like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter.
There is absolutely nothing that the Lord cannot do.
God says it, I believe it!!!!
Judges 6:24
"I AM Jehovah Shalom..The Lord God your peace...even in the midst of the storm, I AM there.. I was there from the beginning, I AM here now, and I will be there for you forever.. It dosent matter how long it has lasted but my peace is ever sure.. "
God's peace is like a still wind in the midst of the storm. Gods peace takes away doubt, fear,and even uncertainties that looks like they'll be there forever.
Even as a child of God, I've come across great situations that has caused great fear, and sometimes even doubts, i.e. whether that situation can ever be solved.. But God, through his Word reassures me that I don't have to worry, " this too shall come to pass" and because God has said it, I have no choice than to believe.
So many times, I've been faced with great situations like, Lack, Sickness, Loss of a close one, LUST (be it material things) name it.. And some how I felt like God will never forgive me.. As soon as i as I ask The Lord to forgive me and have mercy on me... His peace filled my heart, and I bounce back!!
It dosn't matter what you are going through, YOU need the peace of God now!!
It dosn't matter how far you've been away from him, or how long,
It dosn't matter how many times you have fallen back into that Sin
It dosn't matter how well you think you know Him
Just surrender that issue to HIm, and allow Him handle it.
For Some of us, We need God's peace for assurance, We need God's peace as a sign of his intervention..
But be it as it may. The peace of God in our lives is inevitable...
This is the right time, now.. Ask God for mercy...Admit it that you cant handle it on your own. Ask for His peace. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding. His peace that stills the Storm... In Jesus Name..
Pls feel free to share your testimonies, and be a blessing to someone somewhere in the world..
Remain blessed and UNSTOPABLE!!
"I am Jehovah Jireh. The lord God your providerI make a way where there seems to be no way. Abraham looked unto me, and I God provided.
I am Jireh!! Is there anything too hard for me?
A thousand cattles upon a hill belongs to me. I give life, I gave my only begoten Son Jesus Christ.
Who you say I AM is who I'll be to you and your house hold"
Are you sick? It dosen't matter the sickness be it Cancer, HIV AIDS,Malignant Tumours, Fybroid, e.t.c
healing is my children's bread.
Are you financially down?
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, EVERY OTHER THING shall be added unto you.
I will supply all your needs according to riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
So, be of good cheer! for the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed. Believe God, He'll take care of that need. He did it for Abraham of old, He can do it even for you. Fret no more, go round and see what you have and enjoy, that others don't have and can't enjoy. Our God is faitful. He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
Incase you've fasted and prayed, and its still the same, worship THE JEHOVAH JIREH and he'll provide for you. befor then, get closer to God and experience the providing side of the I AM.
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is.
"I AM JAEHOVAH SHAMMAH, The ever present God. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am always there.."
Yes! He is with you all the time. He's the God of the mountains and valleys, He's the God in the bad times and good times. He's God of the day and God of the night.
Where are you now? He's there with you.You could be reading this from your sick bed, office, home, prison, market, it dosen't really matter. Be rest assured that God is there with you.
It dosen't matter how long you've been there, He is there! He is our present help in times of need
There are times that I feel am all alone, facing a particular situation, I feel that God dosen't care. He's just there watching me suffer (so i thought) I've come to understand that He's preparing me for greater things ahead. Jehovah shammah The God that is there. I've come to understand that WORSHIP is the key to heaven. In the midst of the storm i cry out to Jehovah Shammah in worship, poring out my heart to the EVER PRESENT GOD, and He comes to my rescue (He knows my voice).
So, cheer up! God is there with you, He's right by your side. Don't give up, don't give in, don't even throw in the towel. He's working it out for your good.
If you don't know what else to do, just begin to worship him, cos' He's there..
He knows how far or how low you are. He's there...
I find it so refreshing when I remember that the KING OF GLORY is passing through some stuffs with you. This means that that situation cannot consume you.
In otherwords, When you understand that Jehovah Shammah is with you, every thing works out for your good It dosen't matter where you are, Jehovah Shammah is there with you.
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is. Worship Jehovah Shammah for that situation.
" I AM JEHOVAH EL-GIBOR, The Lord God your mighty helper. I am always there to help you. Call upon me and I will answer, and I'll show you great and mighty things which you do not know.I will always be there to help you through those issues that seem mighty. I AM GOD!!
Size can always be determined by the eyes of tthe person seeing it. The magnitude can also be determined by the person that is going through that situation. Do you know that no matter the size of that problem, God has the capacity to carry you though it because he is God. The unlimited God. He is greater than the greatest, stronger than the strongest, bigger than the bigest, wiser than the wisest, wow! What an awesome God he is. He is a great God. He freely gives himself to help you.
He is not like most bosses, that you need to book appointments with before they can attend to you. You don't need to be qualified accademically, financially and otherwise before He helps you. He dosen't ask for any thing in return. You don't even need to subcribe first before He helps you. He is our sure help in times of trouble. Please permit me to translate in my local dialect: Onye enyamakam (igbo).
why are you still carrying that burden all by your self, its too heavy that's why you can't move fast. Turn it over to Jehovah El-gibor in the name of Jesus, and you'll smile the rest of your life.
God's arms are wide open, ready to recieve you. Aren't you tired of depending on your brother, sister, uncle, aunty, father, mother, husband, wife, pastor, neighbour, landlord, ... They are all subject to change, but God can never change, He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever, from generation to generation.
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is. Worship Jehovah El-gibor for that situation, and He'll help you.
I AM JEHOVAH ELYON (The lord most high)I will ascend abovethe heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. Isaiah 14:14 I am higher than whatesoever that exaults itself, I placed the sun, the moon, and stars high up in the sky, even I, Am higher than them.
Sometime, we lift a situation so high and we give it a very high position, That situation is not ment to be there, it's not its permanent residence. It looks so big as if its going no-where. It distracts us from moving ahead, unknowingly, we attract sympathysers, and sometimes some of us dwell in the midst of those sympathysers, enjoying the pity, to you that abnomal situation has become normal
the longitivity of an abnomality can never be normal-- Bishop Humphrey Erumaka
It dosen't matter how high that problem looks, Jehoval Elyon is higher than it. Turn that problem over to Jehovah Elyon in the name of Jesus, and you'll smile the rest of your life.
God's arms are wide open, ready to recieve you. Aren't you tired of depending on your brother, sister, uncle, aunty, father, mother, husband, wife, pastor, neighbour, landlord, ... They are all subject to change, but God can never change, He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever, from generation to generation.
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is. Worship Jehovah Elyon for that situation, and He'll help you.
It takes a higher force to push down a high force. Jehovah Elyon is the MOST HIGH GOD. Somebody pls worship this great God with me.
Jehovah you are the Most High,
Jehovah you the Most High God
even in your emptyness I will make you full. I make beautiful things out of nothing. I made the Heavens and the earth out of nothing. I AM THE ALMIGHTY. I make ways in the wilderness, there is nothing too hard for me to handle. I AM THAT I AM!!
El Shaddai was first found in the book of Genesis chapter 17 verse 1. This means the All Surficient one. God first revealed himself as El shaddai to Abram in an occassion that was humanly impossible.
Can you imagine a man (Abram) impregnanting his wife at ninety-nine years, defying the medical laws of menopause, destroying the evidence of barreness in the life of Sarah. You can also follow up the works of Elshaddai in the lives of Abram, Isaac, and Jacob. His works cannot happen un-noticed. God completely revealed himself in the new testament through the coming of our lord Jesus Christ. This is were all power on earth, under the earth, and above the earth reigns supreme.
Jehovah Elshadai is ready to show himself strong on your behalf. In your in surficiency, He remains surficient, He is more than enough. Are you feeling empty? it's O.K!! The time has come for you stetch out and touch Jehovah El-shaddai. He's there with you're reading these words.
It dosen't matter how long your womb has been empty,
It dosen't matter how empty your bank account is,
It dosen't matter how empty you think your child's brain is,
It dosen't even matter how empty your life is, there is a God, THE ALL SURFICIENT GOD!! The Almighty, the all knowing, Mightier than the mighty, The most prominent, so out standing in all his ways, always ready to do...
Are you being bullied by someone or even a situation, and you don't have, and you don't have or know anyone to stand fo you? It's time to relax and allow THE ALMIGHY handle it.
Take this from me, even with the billions of people on the face of the earth, God can handle as many issues as we have. He is the Almighty.
Don't forget that the bible says " No man cometh unto the father except through me". So to benefit from the greatness of the All Surficient God, take a minute now, and tell God again about that issue, be sure to ask in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Congratulations!!!! We'll be glad to share your testimonies on this blog.
Until then,
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is. Worship Jehovah El Shaddai for that situation, and He'll help you.
"I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, The beginning and the end, The First and the Last. I know your begining and I know your end, I knew when that situation started, and I know how it will end. Your ways are not my ways and your thoughts are not my thoughts. My Grace is upon you..."
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter. In Revelation 1:8 Jesus says; "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Jesus is here declaring himself to be everything from A to Z and in complete control of history. When he returns for his Second Coming, he will do so with all power and majesty in contrast to his first coming as a humble servant.
God has always been in the beginning before the beginning began. He is in total control of EVERYTHING! He knows how everything was created, because He was there. Who knows a product than the producer Himself.
He is the A-Z of life. In him there is everything you'll ever need to survive and be happy. In Him I've found peace, Joy, wealth, good health, sound mind, protection, deliverance, favour... just name it... I'm glad I have Jesus.
Don't forget that the bible says " No man cometh unto the father except through me". So to benefit from the greatness of the All Surficient God, take a minute now, and tell God again about that issue, be sure to ask in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Congratulations!!!! We'll be glad to share your testimonies on this blog.
Until then,
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is. Worship The Alpha and Omega for that situation, and He'll see you through.
I AM THE ANCIENT OF DAYS. I am the beginning
before the beginning began. I was there when it all started; I will be there
even till the end and after the end.
Ancient of
Days is a name for God
in the Biblical Book of Daniel: in
the original Aramaic Atik Yomin; in the Greek Septuagint Palaios Hemeron; and in the Vulgate Antiquus Dierum.
The title
"Ancient of Days" has been used as a source of inspiration in art and
music, denoting the Creator's aspects of eternity combined with perfection. William Blake's water colour and relief etching entitled "The Ancient of Days"
is one such example.
The term Ancient of Days
speaks to the ongoing and always being nature of God. He is Ancient. How
ancient? He's been there since the very beginning, since before the beginning
even. In the creation story in Genesis, in the beginning, God was already
there. The term Days also gives us a sense of something that has been around a
long time: it isn't just day, singular, but the Ancient of all Days.
From this we can understand that God has not only been God since before the
beginning, but will continue to be God now and into the future, until after the
end. He will be God of all the days, past, present and future.
In both Jewish and
Christian art, the Ancient of Days is depicted as either an old man with a
beard, or as a young, virile man, old but not aged.
When I think about the
Ancient of days, He seems to me like an old man with long grey hairs, and grey
beards, but with strong young eyes, muscularly built physic, and the smile of
an infant. Wow!!!! This God is awesome!! I wonder at His ability to communicate
to little children, infants, toddlers, teenagers, ladies, men, and women of
different generations apart.
His ability to
understand times, seasons, and generations is mind-blowing. Infact, He is Time
Himself. He know what you’re going through now, He knows how it all started, be
at peace cos He knows how it’ll end. Allow The ancient of Days into your life,
and He’ll turn your life around for good.
Don't forget that the bible says " No man cometh unto the father except through me". So to benefit from the greatness of the All Surficient God, take a minute now, and tell God again about that issue, be sure to ask in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Congratulations!!!! We'll be glad to share your testimonies on this blog.
Until then,
He'll be to you who you say and believe He is. Worship The Alpha and Omega for that situation, and He'll see you through.
Enjoy this hymn with me.
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
in light inaccessible
hid from our eyes,
most blessed, most
glorious, the Ancient of Days,
almighty, victorious,
thy great name we praise.
2. Unresting, unhasting,
and silent as light,
nor wanting, nor wasting,
thou rulest in might;
thy justice like
mountains high soaring above
thy clouds which are
fountains of goodness and love.
3. To all, life thou
givest, to both great and small;
in all life thou livest,
the true life of all;
we blossom and flourish
as leaves on the tree,
and wither and perish,
but naught changeth thee.
4. Thou reignest in glory;
thou dwellest in light;
thine angels adore thee,
all veiling their sight;
all laud we would
render: O help us to see
'tis only the splendor
of light hideth thee.
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