Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Ready to refire!!

I'ld like to first of all appologise to all my friends for being awayfor a very long time. I miss you guys. I had a lot of things doing, alot of things happening around me. But guess what? I didn't retire to retire but retired to REFIRE!!

It realy cool to be back. I promise not to be away again for soo long.
This year is my year of divine settlement and so shall it be for you and all that concers you. In Jesus name, Amen

This year, i'ld advice that you don't miss a day without visiting this blog, because you have loads and loads of stuffs to enjoy, freebies, videos, hot gossips in the gospel music industry, great events you must atten, and as usuall what God has to say to you. Its gonna be realy loaded.

The fun is not complete if you don't join our membership, so do that now, feel free to leave your comments, and be a blessing!

See you soon!!

Joyce Obuesi
Jobuesi Musik